We're biking across the United States to raise money for Gallaudet University's Personal Discovery Program, a 501(c)3 charity. If this is your first visit, please read our welcome page and how you can help page.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Beautiful Virginia!

Afton, VA to Charlottesville, VA
30 miles

Since there are no hotels or campgrounds for the next 50 miles, we had to cut our day short and only do 30 miles today. But I think it was nice to have a half-day of rest to recover from yesterday's grueling ride.

Yesterday, we met a cyclist traveling from Virginia to Oregon. He was a 60 year old guy, but he looked much younger than that. I hope that when we get to be his age, we'll have the wisdom to buy an RV and travel the country that way!

Dana seems to not like Virginia, although I have found it lovely. Except for the rain, I find the rolling hills and friendly people make this a great state. It could also be that this is the last state we'll ride through, so maybe that has something to do with it.


Anonymous said...

Heather and Dana: I am really going to miss logging on to see what you two have been up to every day. Maybe you should plan another trip next year? I actually feel like I have ridden the trip with you. I just am so glad I don't have to go into a store and ask for "butt butter". They would probably arrest me or worse..think I am really STRANGE. Love, mom

Anonymous said...

Dana and Heather:

I can't believe you are sooooooooooooo close!! What troopers!! I am in Falls Church, VA right now and would love to at least wave to you. In your posting you said you would be staying in VA before you hit Gallaudet on Monday morning. Where abouts are you going to be and would it be possible for me to see you even if just to give you both a BIG hug for doing this? I'm sorry, but I'll be leaving National at 11 on Saturday morning but it would be so nice to just see you in person! If you get this before Saturday, let me know.

Love you both,
Aunt Tee Tee

Anonymous said...

Heyy your in Charlottesville, va!! Soo close!! I brought in a map for the discovery team to look at and se where you guys are! They all are saying " soo close, soo close" keep it up!!! I even have updates written on the board for others to read!! I love reading your blogs and really feel that I'm with you guys!! Keep pedaling!! It will be over with quickly!!!! You ROCK!!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday when I climbed up the never ending cargo net, I became sooooo exhausted. I had to stop every step of the way to rest. I almost wanted to give up but then I started thinking about you guys and how you keep going and pushing yourselves towards your goal. Then Jean said "imagine heather and dana biking and how tired they may feel". Aften thinking and hearing that, I was able to gather all the strength I had and finally made it to the top of the cargo net pole!!! You both are my inspiration!!! Thank you!!
Love, jenilee

Anonymous said...

Hey dana and heather!

This is charlotte habenicht who is involve with gymnastic club from time to time. I hope you remember me. I am on the personal discovery staff for this summer. I am looking forward to it.

When I heard you two riding your bike acros USA in such a short time, I was inspried to hear how much you two have complished in a day, a week, or in a month. Wow! Dana and heather kept it up. You are doing wonderful. Everyone here is so excited to see you finish at gallaudet becuase we want to celebrate your sucess of your amazing adventure.


Anonymous said...

Hey dana and heather!

This is tony demare. I'm a discovery staff this year. I wanted to say WONDERFUL job so far, biking across america. I can't wait to see you here, I wanna ask a lot of questions about you trip. Keep it up!