We're biking across the United States to raise money for Gallaudet University's Personal Discovery Program, a 501(c)3 charity. If this is your first visit, please read our welcome page and how you can help page.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Another day of driving

Monarch Pass, CO To Ordway, CO
180 miles

We woke up this morning and realized we were in the middle of some beautiful mountains (kinda hard to see that when you're driving at night). I noticed that along the way, there are lots of signs that warn of cattle ahead. Yet we never saw any. We did see plenty of deer, so I'm thinking they should replace all those signs with deer warnings. Or maybe they could just paint some antlers on the cow signs, that should be good enough.

We stopped in Dolores, CO yesterday to pick up our mail drop and we got a box full of goodies from my parents. Thanks, mom and dad!

After eating rice and beans for the trillionth time, It really starts to taste awful. So I tried adding some trail mix, and wouldn't you know, it tasted really great! So I look forward to adding this new twist to my meals for a while.

Today we drove and got settled in Ordway. Tomorrow we'll be back to biking again and we hope we'll go a lot faster now that we're out of the mountains.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys: Good to hear you have been able to rest up your muscles. Hope everyone is feeling good. We are anxiously awaiting your arrival in Kansas. Hope the signs are what you wanted. See you in about a week. Love, mom and dad