We're biking across the United States to raise money for Gallaudet University's Personal Discovery Program, a 501(c)3 charity. If this is your first visit, please read our welcome page and how you can help page.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

At the colorado river

So after we finally caught up with Heather we dropped out of the desert
into the valley were the Colorado River flows.

I remember reading a sign many years ago, I think it was in Fresno, CA and it said "food grows where water flows" and I thought, "well duh". As we rounded a corner today and got a good look at the valley I really understood that sign better. It was such a contrast in geography, from rocky and baren to green and open. With the river running through here, there is life all over this place. So we cruised through blue skys, green fields, and white puffy clouds.

We ran into Robert today a fellow bicycle tourist. He is heading the opposite direction. I gave him my brothers number in LA and told him Alex would take care of him for a night. Sorry Alex I hopes that's cool by you. Robert seemed really cool. He is averaging 100-130 miles a day. Holy Cow, that's a fast pace.

After getting some shopping done in town we headed to a camp a little off route. It is right on the river. As I type this we are both tucked in our sleeping bags under our tarp (it rained a bit earlier) and 100 feet from the water. It is prime camping here.

Ryan went out and made a friend ,Mark, who had lectical plugs so our stuff is all charged.

For "linner" we had red beans and rice topped off with an egg. We also have a dozen eggs for breakfast and hard boiling tmw morning. I cooked some more later (pasta, corned beef, and pinto beans) for dinner. That should set us up for lunch tomorrow too.

We made such good time getting here we have just been hanging out, cleaning the bikes and oiling them, and just enjoying the warm comfortable weather. Well actually Heather has been sleeping since linner and woke briefly to eat dinner then zonked again. She deserves it after her hard ride today.

From here on out we are in good shape for stores and stuff into Tempe, AZ. We are both looking forward to a hot shower and hot tub. Thanks Eric for letting us crash there a night.

Oh good news the school for the Deaf on Tempe has asked us to come and give a presentation about our trip... That should be cool.

Well it is getting later and I am envious of Heather snoring gently next to me so until next. -dana

Oh and by the way, we only did 60 miles today and we are close to Blythe, CA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dawn is here and we are rooting for you all. Have a safe trip and you will have LOTS of support when you come to Ok. M&D